
    2020-09-26 11:05:34 来源:          浏览数:0

  近期,梁文星教授研究团队在果蔬灰霉病研究方面取得进展,相关成果发表在植物病理学领域国际著名期刊MPMI(Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions),题为“BcSas2-Mediated Histone H4K16 Acetylation Is Critical for Virulence and Oxidative Stress Response of Botrytis cinerea”。



  Fig. 1. Identification of BcSas2 and Western blotting. A, Phylogenetic tree of BcSas2 based on a neighbor-joining analysis using MEGA 5.0. B, Functional domains of the Sas2 protein. C, Mycelia images for subcellular localization of GFP-tagged BcSas2. D, Western blotting for acetylation levels of histone H4 and H4K16.


  Fig. 2. Impact of BcSAS2 deletion on virulence and stress responses. A, Pathogenicity on tomato leaves 3 days after inoculation. B, Onion epidermis penetration caused by different strains 16 h after inoculation. C, Sensitivity of the strains after growth on potato dextrose agar (PDA) supplemented with 0.2% H2O2 for 3 days. D, Colony diameter of the strains grown on PDA supplemented with H2O2.

